Monday, August 16, 2010

Summer is almost over...

My family is almost all back together, picked up Novalea last monday, and we will be getting Ally from the Airport on wednesday. Thursday we get to meet the Teachers at the school, and then a week from today school starts for the girls. A week later, Bryan starts his pre-school. He will only be there for 3 hours a day, but Sarah and I will finally have some alone time, even if it is for a few hours. Although I have to say that it is kind of sad to see the kids growing up so fast. Bryan is so tall even though he is only 3 years old. And he is so smart too. I can't wait to see the man he grows up to be, but also, I don't want him to get any older. He is at that perfect age, where he is so funny when he says things, but he is also very hyper. I bet once he starts school though, the hyperness will slow down, and he will get tired out. I hope he behaves in school too.

Now that school is right around the corner too, so are the Holidays. Time to start thinking about what gifts to get for the family. Hopefully I get everything right.

Well that is all for now, if anyone reads this, please feel free to ask any questions or request a subject for me to talk about. I sometimes log on and just don't know what to write about.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Current Events...

I am going to try to start Blogging everyday for anyone who reads this blog. Of course, it will be hard to find a subject to talk about, but I will do my best.

Today I feel like expressing my feelings on the issues of right now.

Iraq-Afgahnistan Wars: We all know why we are in these wars, which technically is one war. The Global War on Terrorism. Everyone knows what started it. September 11th, 2001. If you don't remember like half of America, Let me show you a picture to refresh your memory.

We have not accomplished the full mission of trasferring power over to the Iraqi's or Afgahni's and that is what has to be done. If you don't support what our boys are doing over there, then that is your problem and your problem alone. When September 11th happened, what did you want to happen to the ones who did this? If you wanted to take them out and bomb the hell out of them, What changed if you are one of the protesters against the war. If you still support the war effort, thank you. Get your thoughts all thought out before you start bitching about things. If you have lost a loved one over there, I am sorry for your loss, but be proud of what that soldier was fighting for and be proud of him/her. Just remember they VOLUNTEERED their life and well being for their Country, which they are proud to be a part of.

As for North Korea, well, they are being stupid. They know they sank the South Korean ship, They are threatening war because the South Koreans, and the U.S. are practicing war games? War Games they perform every year? And now you want to cry about it? Get over it Kim Jong Il. Besides, you know you are to scared to start anything with the United States. You have waited to long. The current President who will do nothing in the event of an attack on the U.S. will be out of office soon, and we All know that so long as a Republican gets the Presidency back, we will stomp our boots down anyones throat that dares to mess with America.

Now as for the Oil spill, well Shit Happens. I know that everyone is having a hard time that lives on the Gulf Coast but seriously, you want it cleaned up, do what americans used to do, Go help clean it up if you want it clean again, don't just sit on your ass and cry for someone else to pay you money because you lost your job because of the oil. The faster it gets clean, the faster you get your job back. It's Called the Do It Yourself Spirit that Americans used to have. Now it seems like all of us just want Hand outs. Speaking of hand outs. Katrina survivors, well, the ones that have gone back to your homes, neighborhoods, and communities and helped rebuild, I am proud of you. Good job, you are true Americans. The ones that won't go out and get a job and expect the government to pay for everything because an act of God took your home and way of life, you all can get over it and move on. The way I see it, you are all spoiled little brats that don't know how to do things for themselves. Please pick up a hammer and start working on rebuilding your life.

That is enough ranting and venting for now. I may or may not update this blog with more of my views on Current events.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

My Bucket List...

I have been thinking lately what I would like to do before I die. Granted I am only 30 years old right now, but it's never too early to start a list of what you would like to see or do in your life.

Now there is no specific order in which I want to do these things, and of course this blog will more than likely be constantly updated. But here we go:

Watch an Aurora Borealis...
Visit every state in the U.S.A.... Even Hawaii, and Alaska.
Visit Ireland.
See New York City...And ground zero.
Go Skydiving.
Sell one of my sketches.
Visit the Great Pyramids.
See the Great Wall of China.
See the Liberty Bell.
Go to an NFL game.
Write a song and perform it on a stage.
Play in the World Series of Poker.
Meet Kelly Clarkson.
Meet George Strait.
Meet Garth Brooks.
I want to help Texas A&M return the Bonfire back to Campus.

To be Continued...

Friday, July 16, 2010

Back Home from the Trip...

Well, we made to California and back. It didn't go exactly to plan, but then again, when do plans ever pan out.

We started off leaving home about 8 am on July 2nd. We then drove 13 hours to Tuscon, Az. The next morning we drove down to Tombstone, Az. where we visited the Bird Cage Theater. Took the tour, and it was amazing. Got to see one of the oldest Horse Drawn Hearse's still around today. Also, They have the Faro table that Doc Holliday dealt Faro on, and various other Memorabilia. It was like stepping back to the 1880's to see what it was like back then. We then headed back to the Hotel and stayed the night in Tuscon again.

The next morning we packed up and headed for Corona, Ca. We met up with Sarah's Uncle Gary, his family, and Sarah's sister that was visiting there also. We stayed a couple of nights, had fun swimming in their pool, sitting in their Jacuzzi, and just hanging out in the beautiful backyard they have.

July 6th we were back on the road heading for Vacaville, Ca. Sarah's sister Kat rode along with us. We had a good time driving even though I-5 is such a long, boring drive. We finally arrived in Vacaville that evening and settled down for 5 day stay. We drove to Concord, Ca on Monday for a funeral, Richard Renfandt was like a brother to Sarah and is her best friends brother. It was a very Somber day. The next few days were spent visiting, buying baby chickens, taking care of the chickens, and just getting along. Saturday we went to Traintown in Sonoma, Ca. We drove through the wine country Napa, and Sonoma, and saw some beautiful wineries. Unfortunately, we did not do any wine tasting that day. We did however have fun meeting up with Paul and Jenn Paoli our friends who live in Woodland, Ca. We all went to Traintown and the kids enjoyed it thouroughly.

Monday we left Vacaville and drove down I-99 to Bakersfield, Ca. where we then hopped on the I-15 and went to Sin City, yes, Las Vegas, Nv. We stayed at the Hooters Casino and Hotel(long story how we got that hotel) and we drove the strip just to take it all in. It was definitely a lot to take in. Got pictures in front of the famous sign that everyone gets their picture in front of, and pictures of most of the well known Casino's there. The next morning we even found the Gold and Silver Pawn shop also known by the History Channel as Pawn Stars. It was closed that morning so we moved on.

After leaving Vegas, :(, we drove to the Hoover Dam, Dam that Dam is big. (couldn't resist) Got some pictures there and appreciated being able to Drive over it seeing as how within the next year there will be a bypass bridge that everyone will take and you will no longer be able to drive over the Dam. From there, was another Exruciatingly long drive back home. We drove from the Hoover along the infamous Historic Route 66, through Flagstaff, Az., through Albuquerque, Nm., over to Santa Rosa, Nm., which is where we turned southbound and Drove through Fort Sumner, Nm., where Billy the Kid was known to stay for a while and also where he was killed, and is buried. Unfortunately it was already dark so we did not get to stop by the grave. :(, But we moved on none the less and had to wait ten minutes at the State line of Texas for a train to pass Just so we crossover into our Home state of residency. That was actually pretty annoying to tell the truth. We drove through Lubbock, down to Abilene, and from there made to Highway 71 which eventually took us home. We were on the road for 24 hours, from Vegas to Bastrop.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

update to previous post...

We have decided to make a change in the route we will be taking for vacation. We will be heading out on I-10 instead of Route 66. We plan to stay in Tucson, Az a couple nights and go to Tombstone for the one day we are there. Then move on to Corona, Ca. We will be staying with family while there, and after head up to Vacaville, Ca. We will be visiting family and friends. On the way home we will drive through Las Vegas, Nv. over the Hoover Dam, and then make our way down Route 66 on the way home. We will hopefully get a glimpse of the Grand Canyon, Meteor Crater, Petrified Forest, and Fort Sumner, NM(Billy the Kid's Gravesite) and the Cadillac Ranch on the way home. We will make stops at Flagstaff, Az. and Amarillo, Tx before heading home.

On a different note. Sarah and I have begun a mailing adventure called Postcrossing. It is a site were you can get addresses to send postcards to random people all over the world, and in return get a postcard from someone totally different from around the world. It is amazing how unique the different postcards are, and how you can learn how to say or write different things in different languages, because people share these things with you. Go to if you want to sign up. I will start posting pictures of the postcards as I get a chance to upload them. I have sent out 9 Cards, and received 5 so far. Sarah has sent out 9 cards, and received 8 so far. We are very excited to see where all we get various cards from. Until next time, Happy Postcrossing!

Monday, February 22, 2010

It's been almost a year....

Can't believe it's been almost a year sinceI have been on this page. Well, either way I am back now. Not a lot has changed really. The kids are growing as the get a little older, and Bryan is really coming into his own. I am living in a better house even though we are still renting. And I am still working at the same place and still doing the Volunteer firefighting.

One thing I am doing soon though is going on Vacation to California with the family in July. On the way there we will be driving through Roswell, NM, Fort Sumner, NM(and see Billy the Kids Gravesite), Crossing the Hoover Dam and staying Las Vegas, NV, for a few nights, and then off to Vacaville, CA. We will probably run by Santa Cruz, Ca., and Monterrey, Ca. too. I am really looking forward to going to all these Places, it will add to the many I have seen in my life.

Places I have been:
Disneyworld, Fl.
Disneyland, Ca.
Tombstone, Az.
San Fransisco, Ca.
Las Angeles/Hollywood, Ca.
Lake Tahoe, Ca.
Phoenix/Mesa, Az.
Tuscon, Az
Atlanta, Ga.
Dallas, Tx.
Wichita Falls, Tx.
Fort Worth, Tx.
El Paso, Tx.
South Padre Island, Tx.
Corpus Christi/Port Aransas/Rockport, Tx.
Houston/Katy, Tx.
San Antonio, Tx.
Poteet, Tx.
Luling, Tx
Lockhart, Tx
Gonzales, Tx.
Seguin, Tx.
New Berlin, Tx.
New Braunfels/San Marcos, Tx.
Austin/Bastrop, Tx.(Current Residence)
Washington on the Brazos, Tx.
College Station, Tx.
Shiner, Tx.
Brenham, Tx.(BLUE BELL ICE CREAM!!!!!)
and many more Texas Towns.

Where I would like to still go:
Las Vegas, Nv.(in the near future)
New Orleans, La.
Mobile, Al.
Biloxi, Ms.
Washington DC.
New York City, NY.(At least for Ground Zero(9/11) and the Statue of Liberty)
Cheyenne, Wy.
The four corners(Az,Nm, Co, and Utah.)
Portland, Or.
Seattle, Wa.
Anchorage, Ak.
Mt. Rushmore, SD.
North Dakota
St. Louis, Missouri
Carroll, Iowa
Chicago, Ill.
Springfield, Ill.
Bolivar, Penn.
Nashville, and Cookville, Tn.
And at least cross into every state.

So that is to be my adventure for my lifetime, for now, I am sure I will soon be adding in plenty of other countries around the world to include Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand.

If you read this far, thanks for putting up with the lists.