Friday, August 6, 2010

Current Events...

I am going to try to start Blogging everyday for anyone who reads this blog. Of course, it will be hard to find a subject to talk about, but I will do my best.

Today I feel like expressing my feelings on the issues of right now.

Iraq-Afgahnistan Wars: We all know why we are in these wars, which technically is one war. The Global War on Terrorism. Everyone knows what started it. September 11th, 2001. If you don't remember like half of America, Let me show you a picture to refresh your memory.

We have not accomplished the full mission of trasferring power over to the Iraqi's or Afgahni's and that is what has to be done. If you don't support what our boys are doing over there, then that is your problem and your problem alone. When September 11th happened, what did you want to happen to the ones who did this? If you wanted to take them out and bomb the hell out of them, What changed if you are one of the protesters against the war. If you still support the war effort, thank you. Get your thoughts all thought out before you start bitching about things. If you have lost a loved one over there, I am sorry for your loss, but be proud of what that soldier was fighting for and be proud of him/her. Just remember they VOLUNTEERED their life and well being for their Country, which they are proud to be a part of.

As for North Korea, well, they are being stupid. They know they sank the South Korean ship, They are threatening war because the South Koreans, and the U.S. are practicing war games? War Games they perform every year? And now you want to cry about it? Get over it Kim Jong Il. Besides, you know you are to scared to start anything with the United States. You have waited to long. The current President who will do nothing in the event of an attack on the U.S. will be out of office soon, and we All know that so long as a Republican gets the Presidency back, we will stomp our boots down anyones throat that dares to mess with America.

Now as for the Oil spill, well Shit Happens. I know that everyone is having a hard time that lives on the Gulf Coast but seriously, you want it cleaned up, do what americans used to do, Go help clean it up if you want it clean again, don't just sit on your ass and cry for someone else to pay you money because you lost your job because of the oil. The faster it gets clean, the faster you get your job back. It's Called the Do It Yourself Spirit that Americans used to have. Now it seems like all of us just want Hand outs. Speaking of hand outs. Katrina survivors, well, the ones that have gone back to your homes, neighborhoods, and communities and helped rebuild, I am proud of you. Good job, you are true Americans. The ones that won't go out and get a job and expect the government to pay for everything because an act of God took your home and way of life, you all can get over it and move on. The way I see it, you are all spoiled little brats that don't know how to do things for themselves. Please pick up a hammer and start working on rebuilding your life.

That is enough ranting and venting for now. I may or may not update this blog with more of my views on Current events.

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