Monday, August 16, 2010

Summer is almost over...

My family is almost all back together, picked up Novalea last monday, and we will be getting Ally from the Airport on wednesday. Thursday we get to meet the Teachers at the school, and then a week from today school starts for the girls. A week later, Bryan starts his pre-school. He will only be there for 3 hours a day, but Sarah and I will finally have some alone time, even if it is for a few hours. Although I have to say that it is kind of sad to see the kids growing up so fast. Bryan is so tall even though he is only 3 years old. And he is so smart too. I can't wait to see the man he grows up to be, but also, I don't want him to get any older. He is at that perfect age, where he is so funny when he says things, but he is also very hyper. I bet once he starts school though, the hyperness will slow down, and he will get tired out. I hope he behaves in school too.

Now that school is right around the corner too, so are the Holidays. Time to start thinking about what gifts to get for the family. Hopefully I get everything right.

Well that is all for now, if anyone reads this, please feel free to ask any questions or request a subject for me to talk about. I sometimes log on and just don't know what to write about.

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