Wednesday, June 30, 2010

update to previous post...

We have decided to make a change in the route we will be taking for vacation. We will be heading out on I-10 instead of Route 66. We plan to stay in Tucson, Az a couple nights and go to Tombstone for the one day we are there. Then move on to Corona, Ca. We will be staying with family while there, and after head up to Vacaville, Ca. We will be visiting family and friends. On the way home we will drive through Las Vegas, Nv. over the Hoover Dam, and then make our way down Route 66 on the way home. We will hopefully get a glimpse of the Grand Canyon, Meteor Crater, Petrified Forest, and Fort Sumner, NM(Billy the Kid's Gravesite) and the Cadillac Ranch on the way home. We will make stops at Flagstaff, Az. and Amarillo, Tx before heading home.

On a different note. Sarah and I have begun a mailing adventure called Postcrossing. It is a site were you can get addresses to send postcards to random people all over the world, and in return get a postcard from someone totally different from around the world. It is amazing how unique the different postcards are, and how you can learn how to say or write different things in different languages, because people share these things with you. Go to if you want to sign up. I will start posting pictures of the postcards as I get a chance to upload them. I have sent out 9 Cards, and received 5 so far. Sarah has sent out 9 cards, and received 8 so far. We are very excited to see where all we get various cards from. Until next time, Happy Postcrossing!

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