Thursday, March 10, 2011

Support for the Troops and Patriotism...

I have been doing research lately for a WWII U.S.O. Show that I auditioned for. While doing this research I discovered just how patriotic our country was back then compared to now. Yes I know that it was a war worth supporting back then. I just wonder why we can't be the same way now. Granted yes, Iraq had no WMD's. Who cares. Saddam Hussein needed to be taken down. We are still in Afgahnistan because well, that is where this war started right? Are the Taliban and Al Qaeda gone? No they aren't. That is why we are still fighting.

I wish things could be now like they were back then. Were the music was all about supporting the boys over there, and doing everything we can to help with bringing them back home but supporting them through war bonds and the like.

I also believe that the terrorists are finding there way here to fight on our soil. They have already started. Ft. Hood is a perfect example. The Terrorist up in Lubbock is another, Luckily we captured him before he could do any damage. I just heard today he was targeting Former Soldiers... That could have been me. Along with of course all the critical infrastuctures, and our former President Bush. That is why I also believe everyone should be able to carry their own weapon that is competent enough to do it. To protect themselves and their family.

God Bless and keep safe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We need to keep them damn sip feghs in Austin a big damn fence around it and let them cornhole each other till the cows come home. Godless heathens.
Probably pay their football players too.