Monday, March 23, 2009

Drive into Houston, and Back...

Well, yesterday, Sarah and I went to Houston to pick up the girls. We got Novalea at 6 but when we got to the airport we found out that Ally's plane wasn't going to land until 9. That just drove us nuts. We go to the Airport at 7 to make sure Sarah had enough time to get through security and everything. When the plane finally landed we left to head home, and boy was that a drive. Didn't get home till near midnight. All in all it was a quick trip but kind of a crazy one. The girls are happy to be home and to be getting back to school. And I had to come back to work. What a day we had.

Friday, March 20, 2009

My life right now...

Within the past couple weeks, my life has been on the move up. There were a bunch of worries that were surrounding a test that I needed to pass. If I didn't pass this test, I wouldn't have been able to keep my job, due to protocols. But luckily, I passed it with flying colors, and I am now going to be fully hired on. Now that all the worries are out of the way, home life is a lot easier. There were so many questions surrounding if we would have been able to stay where we were at, or if we would have to move. But now that things have smoothed out. I couldn't ask for a happier home. Soon we will be taking a trip out to California for my wife's sisters Graduation. I think the kids will love the trip. Other than that, not to much is going on at the moment.